This is me, typing with a cast on my right wrist and hand. i think i’ll go all lower case since this is hard enough without using the shift key. i can use my dominant right hand for some of the keys but it’s awkward and a little painful. when the bones heal, it will be easier, even with the cast, which is hot pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month.
so, here’s the story. no matter what my friend-boy (F-B) says, i was not crawling home from the neighborhood pub and got my hand run over by a 1957 ford truck. it’s a good story but not that good.
we, a bunch of us who work at the macon volunteer clinic, went out last tuesday night. we chose to go to shamrock, where they have great live music on tuesdays, because we were all in the mood to dance.
and dance we did. those of you who like to go dancing will understand when i say that a sort of dance fever took over the whole place at about 10 pm. EVERYBODY started dancing, even the F-B! he almost never dances, but he danced with all of the girls, separately and together.
the dance floor was full and everybody was dancing with everybody. the energy in that room would have fueled a jet plane to new york and back. it was SO much fun.
then a few of us girls, well mostly my best friend and i, got to doing the twist, the up-and-down twist, gyrating down to the floor like we did when we were teens.
oops! i lost my balance while in the downward position and tried to steady myself on my right wrist, wound up falling anyway, and took my full weight on my wrist - on the concrete floor. ouch.
i didn’t think much about it. after all, i was practically on the floor already so it was a short fall. i must have caught it just right, though, because it HURT.
it was pretty late, so the F-B brought me home and between our doctor/nurse brains, we decided i should get a x-ray in the am, just to be on the safe side.
when i woke on wednesday am, i was sure my wrist was broken. thing was, i had to drive to atlanta to meet my stepdaughter's plane, which was scheduled to land at 9:40, and deliver her to the hospital where her mother is recovering from emergency surgery to repair a ruptured aortic aneurysm. i am not making this up.
i also had about 3 hours worth of computer nursing notes to complete from my patients i saw the day before. so i took some mild pain medicine and did my day, knowing that, when i had my wrist checked, i would end up in a cast, and that it would preclude me from driving until it came off. also, it would turn my 3 hours of work into 6. i got my cast a little after 5 pm. 3 cracked bones - 1 on the thumb side, 1 on the pinky side and 1 in between!
so, there you have it. not as boring as having slipped in the tub but not so exciting as having been run over by a 1957 ford truck. but, oh so typical of my life, my crazy upside down life.
ps: it was worth it. i am out of work for at least 2-3 weeks. i am uncomfortable, cannot open a bottle of green tea or brush my dog or drive my car (which my stepdaughter is using), cut a steak or button my jeans, or sign my name, but.........................
i’m holding up the “applause” sign. everybody cheer!
© cj Schlottman
Good for you!! That is a big step to have fun like that. Sorry it ended in a broken hand but girl it was a big turning point I believe! Love the Pink Cast!!
Dancing till you drop (in your case, literally) is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves. I so glad you had such fun. Sorry about the wrist, but definitely worth it!
well accidents happen years ago we had just started walking on a sidewalk in Quebec Canada i stumbled and almost broke my rt. knee out of work almost 3 months. never saw that country. enjoy your time off. saw your comment on my post re crying. as a child up to teens i guarded my emotions and crying .I don't do that now. take hold off the dancing. rose
I'm glad you had some fun because you so deserve it. Too bad about your arm ouch!! Love the pink cast. Now take it easy so you can heal.
Sounds like it was lots of fun, but wow. You won't be able to work for 32 weeks! That's a LONG time. I would have thought two months at most.
At any rate, take care of yourself and try to enjoy the time off once your arm feels better. I think going dancing sounds like a good thing for you to do more often! (But be veeeery careful...)
CJ, I love this story of how you came to be wearing a cast. You go, girl! Not only did you have a great time, but now you have some time off! And you'll be wearing pink -- the color of the month! Way to go! (Could this be the BREAK you've been waiting for? Sorry, had to say it... and, having not read the other comments, I realize I might not be the first!) Cheers to you!
I'm so glad that you had a good time! And you must have really cut loose, if it was worth a broken wrist and a cast. Hope you can hear the applause from here! Kat
cheering here! haha .... well at least you have a good memory from it all at least and ended the night with a bang! I know a terrible pun joke lol
Love the pink cast!
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